NC Local Hub
Localizing Statewide Issues for NC Communities
There is a growing disconnect between North Carolina residents and the state-level policies and decisions that affect them. More North Carolinians need information to understand, and have a voice in, how statewide decisions affect them locally. We’re building the NC Local Hub to help more NC residents access trustworthy information about how statewide issues and decisions affect their lives. The Hub will increase reporting and engagement around critical state government and statewide issues in a way that explains how communities are impacted. We’ll convene people to elevate the voices of our communities, amplifying their perspectives and needs through a content distribution system that connects news and information outlets across the state.
North Carolina’s news & information ecosystem is uniquely positioned for collective action to tackle this critical need for Democracy.

Our guiding principles:
- Rather than duplicating what’s already being produced, we will fill the gaps
- We’ll prioritize initiatives that meet the information needs of underserved communities across NC
- Our focus remains boosting our statewide news and information ecosystem.
- We’ll continue to foster collaboration and partnership among news, information and community-serving organizations
- We are committed to a future for local news that is equitable and inclusive
We’re continuing to build out our plans throughout 2024. Interested in learning more about partnership and funding opportunities? Contact Shannan Bowen, executive director, at